But you'll find friendliness if you visit the city's two historic market buildings: the Bedesten and the Vezir Hani, both near the Ulu Cami (Great Mosque) in the city center. On Kayseri's outskirts are several grand Seljuk Turkish ...
Grand Mosque ( Ulu cami) terletak tidak jauh dari Green Mosque. Cuma ambil masa 10 minit dengan menaiki bas. Cuaca agak sejuk. Menurut Tour leader kami (Mustapha Mansor) beteri kamera akan lebih cepat habis bila cuaca sejuk. ... Kami beredar dari Grand Mosque menuju ke Silk market pula. Silk market cuma bersebelahan dengan Grand Mosque. Cuma berjalan kaki saja. Nanti cerita tentang silk market pula di next entry .... Posted by kasihredha at 21:42. Labels: vacation ...
come here, too, to watch old men hand-making saddles or carefully carving the bench seats that are all the rage in local hotels. but the most famous and colorful handicraft items on sale are what are called camalt? (under glass) ...